
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Greatest High School Achievement

i honestly think my greatest high school achievement would have to be getting passed all the drama in life and staying the same but growing up for the past four years. in high school being yourself is hard. people judge you and put you in a group and when that happens you as a person in the never ending cycle start to believe that is who you are. so that is my greatest high school achievement.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Video Games in School Curriculum

Video games shouldn't be able to be used in school. One reason is because it's a reason why children are so lazy. Another reason is because taking away video games is a Consequence. If students have video games at school regardless whether it is educational or for fun, it's still on the kid's mind. The Aspect of video games is to relax after work or homework. I will admit that video games are a good Feature for problem solving, I still think it's a huge distraction.

Monday, June 4, 2012

how have i changed?

As a freshmen I was a bit too much for people. I'd always be hyper and just too happy all the time. I kept the same friends as well as make new ones. I have grown into a fine person who makes a mistake and learns from them most of the time. I use to scream when someone was teasing me, now it just passes over my head. I learned that it was ok to feel, to lean on others, to be curious and to learn. I also learned that it was ok to be afraid. When I look back, I only remember the good times I've been through. The reason for this is because I know it feels to be stuck on something that happened long ago. When you hold on to that thread, then your relationships with people around you start to spiral out of control. My sophomore was about the saom as my freshmen year but better.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Written Assessment Week 37

Should the fast food industry be allowed to target kids with unhealthy meal choices? The fast food industry should be allowed to give food. One reason is because, in THEORY it is the parent's fault if the child is "out" of shape. Another reason is selling fast food is how they make money to the SECTION of little kids and teens. it helps adults be able to feed their hungry kid(s) and its not the food industry fault that a child is obesity. Also, now days the food industries are trying to make it healthier.

Monday, May 21, 2012

SPA Policy Blog Paragraph

One policy that i wish could be changed is being too confined and self passes. Currently these policies state that the foster kids live in the middle of nowhere and can't have the freedom of feeling like a teen with some way of connecting with the outside world instead of waiting for the weekend to feel a smudge of normal. One reason it should be changed is because the foster teens are becoming young adults and are trying to find a way to find their rightful place in this place called society. Also, foster teens need to feel as normal as they can because the situation they are in is not. I know from experience that it is hard to feel normal when being in a place such as SPA. I long to be "free" in the world but alas i have to wait to make my statement in the society. If this policy was changed then i would feel a smudge better about being a "new adult" that's still treated as a kid.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


American students are not falling behind academically compared to students in other countries.One reason is we have better resources and DATA at hand. Another reason is because we Americans care about education more than helping out our fellow countries, plus a person can't live without a job and the person can't get a job without education. Which there are a RANGE of jobs where education is needed. Additionally, Americans children aren't actually getting smarter or dumber. In conclusion, American students are not falling behind academically COMPARED to students in other countries.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break.

the mood I was mostly in was stress. The reason for this is because my parents would yell at me for not spending time with them. I feel that I couldn't because my littlest sister Payten would get into trouble and so my parents had to deal with her than spend time with me. I spent a whole day with my sister Desi. After that my parents still said I wasn't spending time with the family. I got to see my best friend which was really nice but she was so bossy and impatient. She wanted me to go to her prom and I was going to but right as I was walking out the door with my best friend to go to a different house, my parents told me to go home. I ended up watching movies at home and eating a root beer float. Not cool. Another thing that I stressed about was that my friend asked me to not talk to certain people, when she knows that that's not how I role.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Should not schools eliminate "D" grades?

Should not schools eliminate "D" grades.One reason is because eliminating the grade "D" would cause the students to freak out cause they wouldn't be able to know if they are about to pass or fail. Another reason is a "D" interacts in a way for the student to understand that he/she is spreading themselves too much or are starting to get lazy. Additionally, a "D" can help a student pass high school if they are struggling in school. In conclusion, that is the reason as to why there should be a grade "D".

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parents should not face jail time for missing their child's school conference. One reason is not every parent/guardian can make it to the meeting. The most common reason is because of their job. Another reason is because some times it's the teacher who misses the meetings or cancels. Another reason is because the adult could be stuck in traffic or could have gotten in a car accident. Last reason is if the parent gets put in jail then it puts more stress on the student. In the end the only thing you would be doing is setting the child up to fail and commit suicide or to become a Juvenal delinquent, or a kid that gets too many issues. There are many things that could happen to the kid or even the family, but as I have said parents or guardians shouldn't be put in jail for something that's out of their control.

Academic Vocabulary Week 29 Written Assessment

Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin Paragraph

The meaning of the statement ,"We are all Trayvon Martin," is that we can all stand there and look " suspicious." I think that any person has a right to explain themselves, and what George Zimmerman did was not legal. There must have been a reason to the kid standing there. George is just another white person being racist.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Should Global Positioning System (GPS) devices be required for habitually truant students?

Global Positioning System (GPS) devices should be required for habitually truant students. One reason is because then the kid will stay in school more. they only ditch because they can get away with it. Again the ELEMENT is getting away with trouble, if you take that then there really isn’t anything they can do. Another reason is because there will be more structure and discipline. This will CONDUCT better results for the school reputation. Additionally, it could help us know if a child has been kidnapped and with the GPS we will be able to track the criminal. this was a great idea from the ADMINISTRATION.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Would you rather be attacked by a zombie or a vampire?

I would rather be attacked by a vampire because I have always had an infatuation with them. I guess I would much rather live longer than die. I could make a lot of changes in the world and be so many different people. I would most likely have to to take school over and over again, but I would be able to remember it all and pass school. I wouldn't have to worry about who knew me or who I was going to meet. And if someone tried to kill me I could just live and kill them and make it look like I was a ghost.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

schools and drug-sniffing dogs...

      I don't think that school should have drug-sniffing dog. The reason for my thinking is because even though those dogs are trained they can still attack without warning. Also there are kids who are allergic to dogs or are very scared of them. Plus they are a dog. They may do things like save people's lives but they can mess up like everyone else. The dog can ASSUME that a white towel in someone's locker is a drug because that is the tecnic they use for training the dogs.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Would you want a car that drives itself

i would like to have a car that drives itself because i could sleep while driving. i think that a car driving it's self would be a great method of driving. we could sleep and be refreshed for whatever event they have next. i could talk and pay attention to the person i am talking to while the car proceeds to the destination i have it going to. it did occur to me that the car may break down and cost a lot of money, but i think its worth it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Homonyms Practice Blog Paragraph

 I grabbed the ball and ran to the other end of the field. There is where I saw a dog doing the Macarena. I dropped the ball and went to the dog and asked where the tower was. He said "They'er where the wind meats the the floor." I walked in the direction of the dog's paw. As I walked people would notice me and ask "You'er the star right?" I would simply just keep walking. You use to tell me that if I went to the tower I would find their home. I walked and walked and walked then fell in a hole. i woke up to a few people standing over me asking "Your going to be okay," I stood up and said " Yes I will be." I walked over to my friend and she told me how i ended up on the floor. Apparently I fainted because I found out that my brother got a pet spider.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Should adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?

Adults should not have the right to carry a concealed handgun. To establish a law or a constitution on being able to bear arms was a well developed idea but it may need work. One reason is it is too easy for a person to get a gun and hiding it is no problem. With that said, crime rates will shoot sky high. Another reason is small kids can find the gun and accidentally shoot someone for not knowing better. Additionally, there are better ways to protect ourselves. One more indication to adults having concealed arms is a problem are the recent school shootings. In conclusion, to justify no more guns, our future generations should be able to be free of the chains of violence.

Monday, February 27, 2012

technology in schools

technology in school is very helpful in school. For example I get to do research. I get to look up and see what my grade is. It is also a great way to communicate. More and more schools are starting to change from using too much paper to using less. I am afraid that our society will depend on technology far too much.  from first to fourth grade i had to do reading tests on the computer. It was very easy to pay attention but hard to want to do the test.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

are online classes a great way to be educated?

         In my opinion it is hard to say whether or not online classes are a good way to be educate. I think it would be nice to wake up late in the afternoon and go to school but then again, i think about how our American society grows lazier everyday. I think being able to earn also has to do with the AREA that the person is in. I also think that it takes a lot for a person to DIFFERENTIATE what they are learning. Learning also needs a teacher who can be of help when a student needs CLARIFICATION.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

should dog fights be illegal?

     In my opinion I feel that dog fights are not a great source of entertainment. There isn't really much potential in this kind of work. I hated it when I saw dogs fighting. There's a distinct difference between just for play and animal abuse and dog fights go under abuse. This abuse is used as a formula to get money. They don't care what the animals feel, just if they get their moneys worth.

Monday, February 13, 2012

lost view

i remember the way you held me in your arms,
the way you kissed me goodnight,
a father,
you caught me in your web of charms,
i thought you were always right,
a daughter,
but then i saw who you are,
the pain i felt wrapped around me like a belt,
like a crazy net i just couldn't forget,
you were always there and i was in fear
things between us got worse,
you got mad and i got hurt,
a love hate relationship,
everything said a script,
i wished to talk, to see, to understand,
but i was like a stranger to a new land,
you let me go, no fight or word,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

felons and voting

      I don't really know much about politics but I do have an opinion on whether felons should vote. The source of our government are the people and so everybody should give their thoughts. the complexity of the whole system hurts my head. sorry, i don't think that's really relevant but i hope its okay to put my thoughts down. as long as they help pick someone who will run our country well then i don't care if they vote, but they can't vote for someone who is willing to let these felons go.

Monday, February 6, 2012

my favorite poet

Emily Dickinson is my favorite poet. I like her because she tried her hardest to get her life to be comfortable. She hadn't really needed to put her work out for people to see, she just had to show her neighbor. her poems had meaning to me and i like how she married someone who loved her work and before she died she made a poem for everyone who comes to North America. The people in New York put her poem on a metal plate and put it in front of the Statue of Liberty. i had to do a report on a poet i liked and at the time i didn't have on but i did research on this woman named Emily. My teacher recommended her to me because i would spout things about how our government should be like it use to be instead of what it is today. he always laughed at me a lot for it.

spelling list 22

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Academic Language Week 21 - Steroids

I think that steroids should not be allowed in sports. One reason that I think this is because it ruins your hormones or changes them if you use them for a long period of time.. Secondly I believe that it is a form of cheating and athletes' are primarily chosen by their own strength not by something that enhances that strength. The last reason is that traditionally it was only used to make it easier to win competitions but now athletes' are over using them just to look good.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My goal for the second semester of the 2011-2012 school year is... to walk off the stage with my high school degree. that is my goal because it's what i want in life right now. that's pretty much it . i'm not a person who really knows what they want most of the time. i will achive this goal by finishing high school and trying my best.