
Thursday, May 31, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Written Assessment Week 37

Should the fast food industry be allowed to target kids with unhealthy meal choices? The fast food industry should be allowed to give food. One reason is because, in THEORY it is the parent's fault if the child is "out" of shape. Another reason is selling fast food is how they make money to the SECTION of little kids and teens. it helps adults be able to feed their hungry kid(s) and its not the food industry fault that a child is obesity. Also, now days the food industries are trying to make it healthier.

Monday, May 21, 2012

SPA Policy Blog Paragraph

One policy that i wish could be changed is being too confined and self passes. Currently these policies state that the foster kids live in the middle of nowhere and can't have the freedom of feeling like a teen with some way of connecting with the outside world instead of waiting for the weekend to feel a smudge of normal. One reason it should be changed is because the foster teens are becoming young adults and are trying to find a way to find their rightful place in this place called society. Also, foster teens need to feel as normal as they can because the situation they are in is not. I know from experience that it is hard to feel normal when being in a place such as SPA. I long to be "free" in the world but alas i have to wait to make my statement in the society. If this policy was changed then i would feel a smudge better about being a "new adult" that's still treated as a kid.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


American students are not falling behind academically compared to students in other countries.One reason is we have better resources and DATA at hand. Another reason is because we Americans care about education more than helping out our fellow countries, plus a person can't live without a job and the person can't get a job without education. Which there are a RANGE of jobs where education is needed. Additionally, Americans children aren't actually getting smarter or dumber. In conclusion, American students are not falling behind academically COMPARED to students in other countries.